Installing Cloudera Quickstart VM through Docker Hub (on Mac)
A Step-by-Step installation guide to set up the Cloudera Quickstart VM on Docker

These days, ‘docker’ and ‘Cloudera’ are garnering a lot of attention. I have written this blog on how to deploy the Cloudera Quickstart VM using Docker on Mac OS.
Install Docker Desktop using these official steps:
Check Docker version
$ docker version

Import the Cloudera QuickStart Image
Pull Cloudera Quickstart image from Docker Hub
$ docker pull cloudera/quickstart:latest
Validate images
Show the list of repositories available in docker.
$ docker images

Find Hostname
$ hostname
Start the Docker container for Cloudera Quickstart image
Execute the `docker run` command with the following arguments:
hostname — quickstart.cloudera and interactive mode.
-p describes a process running on a given port.
$ docker run --hostname=quickstart.cloudera --privileged=true -t -i -p 8888:8888 -p 10000:10000 -p 10020:10020 -p 11000:11000 -p 18080:18080 -p 18081:18081 -p 18088:18088 -p 19888:19888 -p 21000:21000 -p 21050:21050 -p 2181:2181 -p 25000:25000 -p 25010:25010 -p 25020:25020 -p 50010:50010 -p 50030:50030 -p 50060:50060 -p 50070:50070 -p 50075:50075 -p 50090:50090 -p 60000:60000 -p 60010:60010 -p 60020:60020 -p 60030:60030 -p 7180:7180 -p 7183:7183 -p 7187:7187 -p 80:80 -p 8020:8020 -p 8032:8032 -p 802:8042 -p 8088:8088 -p 8983:8983 -p 9083:9083 4239cd2958c6 /usr/bin/docker-quickstart
List all Containers on the Host System
$ docker ps -a

Connecting to Running Container Shell
Run a command in a running container
$ docker exec -it 0628fb260d35 /bin/bash
Note: 0628fb260d35 is the “CONTAINER ID” (You can find this Container ID in the above “List all Containers on the Host System” section)
Validate all Java processes that are running under the Container [In docker bash]
$ jps
Congratulations, you have successfully created a container that can run Cloudera Quickstart services!
Starting Cloudera Manager
To manage the Cloudera cluster with Cloudera Manager, it will give you a UI to manage your cluster and configuration.
$ sudo /home/cloudera/cloudera-manager --express

Go to: http://localhost:7180/
Use the following Usernames and Passwords :
1) Full Administrator: cloudera and cloudera
2) Full Administrator: admin and admin

Now the Cloudera Manager is running. Keep it up!
To check the Roles’ details and Version,
Home > (Username) Right top corner

Home > Support > About

::: BONUS :::
Check the status of the cloudera-scm-agent and cloduera-scm-server Services
$ service cloudera-scm-server status
$ service cloudera-scm-agent status
Start the cloudera-scm-agent and cloduera-scm-server Services
$ service cloudera-scm-server start
$ service cloudera-scm-agent start

Stop the running Docker Container
$ docker stop — express=60 <Container ID> | <Name>
e.g. $ docker stop --time=60 0628fb260d35
Note: 0628fb260d35 is a Container ID
Start Docker Container
$ docker start 0628fb260d35