Configure Anaconda Python interpreter for PyCharm IDE and Installation of gym package

Download and Install Anaconda Distribution from here.
So let’s configure the Anaconda Binaries and make them available to System Environments.
Find the anaconda distribution location in your system by default location is C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3.
Now, we will add below given all three paths to the environment variable.

Right-CLick on to This PC and Click on Properties

Find Advanced System Settings in the Left Panel

— Then Got to Advance Tab, and click on Environment Variables.

User variable for USERNAME Section find the variable Path, open it, then add the following variables for edit variables accordingly.

After adding the above-copied paths, Click OK to accept changes

You have successfully configured the Anaconda Python interpreter!!
Open Pycharm Editor, and Create New Project.
In this exercise, I have selected Environment Use option Type: Conda and Version: 3.7. (Note: Select version of your anaconda distribution)

Click on the Termial window

Now, we will install gym python package
pip install gym

Thanks. You have successfully installed gym package and now it’s ready to use!!