spaCy Python Package Installation on Windows

Akash Patel
2 min readJun 9, 2020


spaCy package installation, Anaconda Distribution configuration

Anaconda + Windows 10 + spaCy

spaCy is a free open-source library for Natural Language Processing in Python.


Download and Install Anaconda Distribution from here.

Now, We can launch a Jupyter notebook from Anaconda Navigator. But when we try to open Python command-line editor, python packages installer tools like conda, pip using terminal we will get command not found errors.

So let’s configure the Anaconda Binaries and make it available to System Environments.
Find the anaconda distribution location in your system by default location is C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3.

Now, we will add below given all three paths to the environment variable.

Install Anaconda on Windows and Configure PIP, conda tools to install python packages

— Right-CLick on to This PC and Click on Properties
—Find Advanced System Settings in the Left Panel
— Then Click on Environment Variables..
— User variable for USERNAME
Section find the variable Path, open it, then add the following variables for edit variables accordingly.


— Click OK to accept changes
— Open new Anaconda Prompt, make sure you open it as Administrator(Right Click on the Anaconda Prompt -> Run as Administrator).

Now, we want to install spaCy python Package.

Run the following command.

# with the help of conda support - conda-forge install spaCy package
conda install -c conda-forge spacy
# install required module on the fly, we can also use load method as an alernative
python -m spacy download en_core_web_sm

Thanks. You have successfully installed spaCy package and now it’s ready to use!!



Akash Patel
Akash Patel

Written by Akash Patel

Data Engineer — 🗡️ Samurai

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